The AV Audit Breaking down AV Quotes

Another month, another AV Audit. We at Endless are dedicated to helping you become better at planning events. We’ve created the AV Audit, which allows us to dissect live bids on air and examine every aspect of each quote. You may be in the industry, but that does not mean that you are familiar with all the tech. It’s easy to get confused when you look at the AV quotations because they are all different.

Will Curran from Endless Events and Andrew Latimer, a representative of Endless Events, will be joining us today. These two wonderful people will teach you all you need to learn to understand better how AV quotations work, what to look for, and where to focus your attention. You’ll be ready for bids after this quick lesson. It’s time to dissect AV quotes – we have two new arrivals!

AV Quote Audit  2

The numbers may be a little off because the first audit came from South Africa. It’s just a simple matter of changing the currency from US dollars. This quote, in particular, looks more like an equipment list than anything else.

Top Specifications

Write down important information at the beginning if you don’t already know it. Dates, delivery addresses, etc., are all important information. You should be worried if the quote is only a list of equipment. It’s not good to have too much information, but that’s better than having none! It isn’t easy to achieve your goal if you don’t know what it is.

Confusion in the queue

It’s easy to get confused by AV quotes if you look at them alone. The majority of them are very detailed about the equipment and power. It’s great because, hey, who does not like to dig into the details? It’s especially important when you are planning an event. It would be best if you made sure the AV company is able to walk you through everything line by line. You’re likely to get a great deal if they explain why this is there and why you require that particular equipment. If they don’t explain, they are trying to confuse you and get more money from you. Do your research, but also ask for an explanation.

It’s a Concert

We are looking at an AV audit for a concert. Especially after you’ve seen the backline, if you are planning a show, you should involve your production company, particularly with the artists you bring in. The best instruments are what bands will demand, but that may not be exactly what they require. Negotiations are a must! Keep in mind that you will not get away with using low-quality equipment if you are booking a high-class act.

DI boxes

Your band will likely ask for extra DI boxes. This helps to reduce the buzz when “lifting the floor.” This box also converts a headphone socket for a laptop or phone into a mic input. If your event uses laptop audio, you should get a DI Box. Do some research on line level and mic level. It’s well worth it.

Check Your Numbers

This quote is very specific. You want to make sure that the math is right. You’re going to sign off on the number, but you don’t need the company to tell you that they miscalculated or forgot something. Check for round numbers. The sub-hire is likely from another company. As the client, you may not be aware of what you are getting. Please find a way to communicate with them.

Request a Rigging diagram.

Ask your vendor to provide a plot or diagram when you reach the rigging area. It will help you to visualize the exact stages. Does it all match our vision? This is great because you can share it with the band or the venue to make your event even more special!

AV Quote Audit

The next bid also includes a concert, but this time, it’s a big headliner. It’s a great way to see how the proposals differ when it comes to bringing in big-name artists. This layout is also much better than previous ones, as you can see the quantities, names, and pictures of equipment. Visualizing is great!

Looks Messy

This audit looks a little confusing. The equipment seems to be fine. We don’t separate the equipment into audio, lighting, and stage. Everything is mixed up. This will make it difficult to understand the quote if you are not familiar with the technology. The AV company must put everything in its boxes to make it easier to understand. Ask your company to organize everything for you.

Separate Audio and Video

The audio and video must be on separate power services. You will know the source of the problem if there are any issues. What is the problem? Lighting, audio, video, or rigging, perhaps? Someone plugged something in the system that they shouldn’t. Choose an AV provider that is honest about this. The venue is no different!

Be Diligent

Both you and the AV company are responsible for ensuring that expectations are met. When you are negotiating with an A/V company, it is important to have transparent and honest communication. It would be best if you were not afraid to say that you are expecting this; you have seen what is being proposed, and you will not accept anything less. It’s about honesty and alignment. You, the client, are not being unfair if you reiterate your expectations and what you expect to see at the event, even after you have signed the contract.

Terms and Conditions

The deposits and most of the other things on this page are standard. You, the client, should understand why an AV firm will charge you a 10% service charge if you order services or equipment within 24 hours before the scheduled load-in. It’s not because the company wants to set you up. They’re just trying to save time by pulling resources from other shows and bringing in late people to the warehouse. Negotiate if the rate is high, but 10% should be acceptable.

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